10 ways to get rid of stress
Casual and domestic troubles, unwashed dishes and bad mood boss, crowded transport and a spot on the new dress - in the modern world it is impossible to get rid of stress. And the output is only two: either to buy the ability to quickly forget all or learn to cope with the consequences already occurring adverse events.
One of the main points in the fight for health against stress - learn to relax. Perhaps this is obvious, but in this case does not mean "doing nothing" with remote control in front of TV. Useful holiday - a full 8 hours of sleep, fresh air (if they do not have time, you can simply enter the 2-3 stops before returning to work) and leisure during the weekend.
Fitness Room (within reasonable limits, without fanaticism) not only distract from the small troubles, but also to improve the figure and, as a consequence, the mood. There is no need to exercise to exhaustion in the gym to lift weights or run kilometers on the treadmill. Great akvaerobika relieves stress, yoga, dancing.
The whole complex of treatments - sauna (bath), SPAprotsedury, massage - they will drop the voltage will give forces.
In the struggle with the stress required vitamin and mineral complexes. Currently they are available in various forms, including magnesium and other antideprissantnymi additives.
To exit from emergency situations where tension should be removed immediately, well in advance to learn some breathing exercises. Anti-stress complex enough a lot, but in their implementation there are a few immutable rules: smooth (vertical or horizontal position of the spine), free position of the head, breathing deeply and rhythmically strictly.
Aromatherapy. Essential oils aromasvechi, oil burner will clean power, not only humans, but also of any premises, protection from the harmful effects and unwanted bacteria. Many oils have antibacterial and soothing effect.
Psychologists also offer a number of measures - collective psychotherapy, autogenic training (affirmations). All kinds of psychological effects are selected individually. But if the need for such a "serious" approach, not to relieve stress will help quiet evening with close to you in spirit people.
Nothing brings out the state of lingering frustration and fatigue, as communion with nature. Weekend in the mountains, at sea or in the forest and help to relax and get away. Sea and mountain air with negative ions strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, strengthens the nervous system.
Laser therapy or acupuncture. During the procedure, there is a point of biological stimulation points. As a result of increased energy and ability to withstand external psychological pressure.
Also help in dealing with stress oriental practices of meditation. They soothe the mind and soul, leading you into a state of equilibrium and harmony. Try it and you will notice they became calmer attitude to life and problems.
As you can see, in dealing with stress can help any health treatments and positive psihokorrektiruyuschie installation. But the main thing - it's attitude. Needed faith in a positive outcome and a little optimism.