Psychotherapy and andropause
Many older men do not want to recognize the phenomenon of menopause, partly because they were not going to concede the privilege of youth sexual activity. Not wanting to put up with the weakening of its sexual functions, they engage in a struggle with nature. But sexual problems are too serious to deal with them in one day, as promised some "experts". No money will help to quickly recover from impotence, because first we must understand the reasons for its appearance and approach to this issue should be comprehensive.
Warning: Never use the advice of friends who helped this or that pill, and not particularly trust the advertising of drugs that are able to "cure all at once."
andropause The problem is complex, and it can be solved only with the help of specialists. So choose carefully the doctors who want to entrust their health. Many do not go to the doctor because they are afraid to take hormone pills, which they consider very harmful. Indeed, the very first synthetic analogues of testosterone had serious drawbacks - they fulfill the function of substitution, ie, coated with androgen deficiency, but it inhibits the production of male sex hormones own. Modern testosterone analogues have a stimulating effect, they cause the gonads to develop their own hormones.
Not all men feel the same loss of testosterone in the blood. It all depends on "seeding". If a man in blood testosterone was very high, the cost of its loss is particularly hard, because testosterone affects the character. What it is, the more energy and sexual activity has people. Therefore, even a 1% loss of testosterone in men this year delivers tangible suffering. And a strong sexually man often feels discomfort at the physical and at the physiological level: he begins the emotional and mental distress.
Depression is caused by the state of insecurity in their abilities, drives these men to a dead end: some are beginning to drink a lot, in order to somehow muffle the feeling of uncertainty, thus further aggravating the situation. Others, to get rid of depression, resorting to the help of therapists or psychologists who prescribe antidepressants to them. Someone starts to prove their worth, dizzy beauties much younger than himself.
The problem is that every man is trying to solve its own way, it is actually quite solvable. It is worth recalling that the andropause - a temporary phenomenon, and if you do not go to extremes, it can safely survive. What to do in such cases, we will describe in the following sections. Of course, no visit would be useless andrologist who will help find the right solution, says Ilya Bauman in his book "Man's health after forty. Home Encyclopedia. "
Psychoemotional difficulties are of a different nature. They arise already in the background of impotence, which is mistaken for menopause. Stopping sexual intercourse leads to inhibition of the production of sex hormones. This is called a false menopause, which men perceive as the end of sexual life. Then one thinks that this impotence. This is especially true of those men who are very sensitive to their own merits in bed. The regular age-related decline of libido, which passes almost unnoticed by the others, they cause acute psycho-emotional trauma.
In addition, in many cases, this situation is the so-called family continued. Some men try to solve their sexual problems by changing partners and tend to find younger friends. They hope by new experiences to enhance their sexual activity. Not by chance after the age of 45-50 years, men often give birth to a new family, ruthlessly denying the former wife. A man like this male at the forefront of his sexual function, proving his power and strength. In this state, he needs a psychologist to understand their true thoughts and feelings.
After all, divorce is almost never solve the problem of sexual man, and he was even more immersed in their experiences, trying to drown out their alcohol now. The break with the old family brings remorse and loneliness, which only exacerbates the problem. And if life first wife with a young man can seem like paradise, this illusion will soon disappear, it begins a new round circle of unresolved problems. And yet only in his own family, surrounded by loving loved ones who are willing to understand and help to overcome the difficulties, a man can get out of this state and re-experience the fullness of life.
Alarm bells andropause - is not just muscle fatigue and decreased libido. The reason for concern should be frequent stress, accompanied by a sense of insecurity, frustration or depression. After all, personal response to the onset of andropause can be different - from calm to abrupt changes in the psyche.
Most menopausal state, as we have said, is accompanied by depression, which manifests itself loss of interest in work, family, hobbies past, a sense of hopelessness and worthlessness, suspiciousness, tearfulness, unfounded jealousy, etc. kantserofobiey.
Psychotherapeutic treatments include correction of all types of: individual and group psychotherapy, hypnosuggestive and steam therapy. At the same time appointed sedatives to calm the nervous system, relieve irritability and anxiety attacks. These tools include drugs motherwort, valerian, peony and bromides.
If you feel taking place in your body changes, you should first understand what menopause - not the end of a full life. It is imperative at this time to preserve your own mental and emotional balance. After all, it is a violation of this sector constitute the main problem of the climacteric syndrome.
Preserving good relations between you and your loved ones, an adequate response to the emerging changes in the condition of the body - these are the main components of health.
Psychologists advise not to despair when a temporary setback, and try to create for themselves an environment that will promote relaxation and complete intimacy. It is necessary to explain to the woman he loves your fears and talk about their temporary difficulties. Only enlisted psychological support of a loved one, you will be able to overcome the physiological problems. But do not ever go away from the problem and does not turn in on themselves.
Remember that your failure is not some out of the ordinary phenomenon. It can happen to anyone, even the young man. In fact, you're a person, not a machine that precisely fulfills its program. Many factors, of which we have already mentioned, can act on the weakening of erection, including fatigue, nervous stress, worries and thoughts about everyday problems, do not go out of my head.
Sometimes you need more stimulation. A partner can not understand as long as you tell her about it will not tell. The problem of sexual relations between two loving people should be dealt with together. Only love and understanding will help smooth out the roughness and return full sex.
And never resort to sexual relations with casual acquaintances. In addition to the repetition of failure, which will only increase the belief in his own impotence, such "experiments" can deliver a host of other problems.
Remember that our main enemy - our psyche. She is very capricious and susceptible to failure. It is necessary to stumble on a trifle, and there is no desire to seek something else. That is why in the end reconciled with detraining and inevitable diseases that followed.
The vast majority of men complaining of psevdoimpotentsiyu (80%!), There was an increase of nervous and mental anxiety, neurosis, anxiety, expectation of failure, the consequence of which was the disappearance of erection at the time preceding the act, or premature ejaculation. This is a violation of psychogenic nature, ie psevdoimpotentsiya.
True impotence is rare, and failures occur with each and transient. Temporary weakening potency is when nervous or emotional strain, physical fatigue, stress, infectious nature of the disease. In addition, not every woman, even if she is cute you able to create the desire. A man can be giperseksualen in relation to one woman and impotent to another, yet in most cases, each of us tends to be a certain type of women, not only in stature, but also psycho-emotional and intellectual qualities. Therefore they are related to the situation calmly, go autogenous training, self-suggestion - and you will cope with this problem. If you want to be sure that it is not mistaken and are dealing with psevdoimpotentsiey visit sexologist. Consultation with a specialist you definitely can not hurt.
Stresses lead to reduced levels of immunity. Because the immune system of menopause and so operates defectively, resulting in increased likelihood that the process physiological nature can become pathological and lead to cancer (e.g., prostate). That is why you need to strive for the development of not only physical training but also psychological: to learn the basics of auto-training, which will help avoid prolonged emotional stress and depression.
Our well-being depends on our attitude. It is therefore very important, since treatment, adjusted for a positive result.