Relaxation as a way to combat depression
Practice relaxation is different from what we usually implying the words "relaxation", "relaxation". It is more than watching a movie or entertainment lasting soothing stroll. When psychologists talk about "learning relaxation", they are referring to the regular practice of one or more complexes of specific relaxation exercises. Most often, these exercises combine deep breathing, muscle relaxation and visualization techniques designed to remove the tension and stress you get rid of anxiety and depression, and M.Devis M.Makkey note in the book "How to beat stress and depression."
During the practice of relaxation, you will notice that the flow of ideas starts to slow down fast-paced, and the feeling of fear and anxiety is reduced. When your body is completely relaxed, you can not feel fear or anxiety. In 1975 Herbert Benson investigated what changes occur in the human body in a state of deep relaxation. It turned out that on the stage, which Benson called "relaxation reaction", reduced heart rate, breathing slows, lowers blood pressure, relaxes the skeletal muscles, decreased metabolic rate, oxygen consumption and decrease the conductivity of the skin. On the other hand, the frequency of brain alpha rhythm is enhanced, which is typical for a peaceful, relaxed state. In other words, each of these physical reactions directly opposed to the body's response to anxiety or fear.
Subject to regular practice of relaxation is effective in reducing overall, interpersonal and behavioral anxiety. Practice relaxation is an essential component of the program of treatment of phobias and chronic irritation. This program is also recommended for the treatment of depression, chronic muscle tension, neck pain and back pain, insomnia, muscle cramps and high blood pressure.
Time development techniques.
You can feel the benefits of deep relaxation after one or two sessions using any of the methods described below. several techniques can be used to enhance the feeling of relaxation: introducing the tranquil landscape, you can at the same time to practice deep breathing.
Abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, relaxation without conscious voltage signal and relaxation - these techniques you need to develop gradually. You can not practice the relaxation signal (the easiest of all methods) as long as the master the first three. To master the techniques of the entire group will need two to four weeks, depending on the duration and frequency of the practical sessions.
Start classes in a quiet environment where you have no one and nothing can disturb. Later, when you have mastered the exercise, you can conduct sessions in public places. If you want to create a background noise - humming air conditioner or fan - to block the sounds that you can not control. Wear loose, do not snare clothing. Take a comfortable position lying down or sitting so that the body has been good support.
Abdominal breathing
There is a group of muscles that usually tightens in response to stress - is the muscle wall of the abdomen. If the abdominal muscles are tense, they put pressure on the diaphragm when it expands during inhalation. This reduces the amount of pressure of the inhaled air into it and holds the top of the lungs.
In shallow breathing, you can feel that you are lacking oxygen. This causes stress and the body gets the signal that you are in danger. To compensate for the lack of air you instead to relax the abdominal muscles and breathe deeply, to make quick, shallow breaths. Such rapid breathing - the main sign of panic.
Abdominal breathing allows you to interrupt the process: the muscles, pressing on the diaphragm relaxes and breathing slows down. Three - four deep breaths to help relax almost instantly.
To master the techniques of abdominal breathing easy. Do each exercise for three minutes.
1. Lie down and close your eyes. Pay attention to your feelings: Do you feel tension in your body? Take a few breaths. As you breathe: Do entirely filled your lungs? Rises and falls if the chest with every inhalation and exhalation? A stomach? The thorax and abdomen together?
2. Place one hand on his chest, the other - on the abdomen, just below the waist. Breathing in, imagine that you direct the airflow so deep in your body as soon as possible. Feel like to straighten out the lungs are filled with air. In this hand, which lies on the chest must remain perfectly still, while the other was lying on his stomach, - rise and fall with each breath and exhale.
3. Continue to slowly inhale and exhale. Let the breath finds its rhythm itself. If you feel that you breathe & shy; those unnatural or even the slightest stress, do not worry about it and keep breathing. In the end, any stress will pass by itself.
If the hand on the abdomen is almost not moving or moving both hands, try to gently press the hand on your stomach. During inhalation, adjust the force of air flow so that it overcame the pressure of the hand, lifting her.
4. After a few deep breaths, start counting the number of breaths. After ten breaths again start an account with one. When your mind is invaded by any thought and you shoot down an account, simply start the exercise again. Continue to consider for ten minutes, checking that lying on the stomach hand rises with each breath.
Progressive muscle relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation - relaxation method that is in tension and relaxation of all body muscle groups in sequence. This technique developed by Dr Edmund Jacobson in 1929. Proving that the body responds to emotional stress muscle tension, Jacobson offered to take it off, consciously straining muscles and then relaxing them. The use of this technique to every muscle group of the body induces a state of deep relaxation.
Original instructions Jacobson is a whole complex of more than two hundred different exercises. But the daily performance of all sixteen exercise can be just as effective.
Exercises are made for four major muscle groups: arms, the head, the middle part of the trunk and legs. Regular performance of these exercises for several months significantly reduces the level of anxiety, irritability and other painful emotions.
A Practical Guide to progressive muscle relaxation.
Perform the following exercises for twenty to thirty minutes a day, whether you like it or not. You develop a skill - the ability to relax. Initially, you may need some time to relax a little. But as you practice, you learn to relax more quickly and more deeply.
Performing exercises, repeat the cycle of stress and relaxation for each muscle group. Strain each group for seven seconds and relaxing for twenty. Strain the muscles strong, but without the surge. When it's time to relieve stress, relax quickly and completely. Pay attention to your feelings during relaxation.
Do you feel heaviness, warmth, tingling? It is important to be able to recognize physical signs of relaxation. The transition from one muscle group to another occurs in a logical sequence, and work out a few times, it is easy to remember. If you still can not keep in mind the order of the exercises can be written instructions on phonorecords or purchase professional recording.
1. Firmly squeeze his hands into fists. Hold voltage for seven seconds. Pay attention to the sensations in the muscles. Now, relax your muscles and feel the difference. Focus on the sensations. After twenty seconds of relaxation squeeze fists again. Hold the tension seven seconds, and then relax back at twenty.
2. Now bend your elbows and tense your biceps. Keep the pose "Mr. Universe" seven seconds, and then release the tension. Bend your arms a second time and again relax. Pay attention to the physical sensations during relaxation.
3. Squeeze the triceps - the muscles of the outer side of the forearm - the maximum stretching his arms down. Feel the tension. Bend your arms and release the tension. Notice the sensation of relaxation.
1. Raise the eyebrows up as high as possible, and feel the tension in the forehead. Hold them there for a while, and then lower. Repeat.
2. Strain the whole face, as if every part of it trying to reach the tip of the nose. Note, where the stress is felt. Then relax, and make sure your feelings. Repeat.
3. Tightly close the eyes and smile, stretching his lips as widely as possible. Keep the smile, then relax. Repeat.
4. Squeeze the jaw and place your tongue tip to the palate. Hold the tension, then release. Repeat. Pay & shy; they note how feelings changed. Widely open mouth as if make the sound "o". Hold the tension, then relax. Repeat.
5. The maximum tilt his head back so that the feel of how it relates to the neck. Hold this position, then relax. Repeat. Tilt your head to the side as close to the shoulder; hold for a while, relax, repeat. Now tilt your head to the other side; hold, relax, repeat. Return the head in a natural starting position and feel the tension disappears, let your mouth slightly open slightly. Tilt your head forward and place your chin on your chest. Relieve stress, returning the head to its original position. Repeat.
The middle part of the body
1. Raise your shoulders as high as possible - as if you are trying to touch their ears. Keep the shoulders in this position, then lower. Feel the heaviness in the muscles when they are relaxed. Repeat. Pull your shoulders back, trying to keep the blade. Hold this position, then relax. Repeat.
2. Extend your arms parallel to each other. Then, without bending, crossed them, setting the stage as much as possible to each other. Feel tension in the upper back. Keep this position. Now, lower your arms and pay attention to their feelings. Repeat.
3. Take a deep breath. Before you exhale, tighten all the muscles in the abdominal cavity. Keep this up, and then exhale and release tension. Repeat.
4. Exercise perform lying on the floor, bed or sitting on a chair. Gently arch your back forward. Keep the tension, then relax and straighten. Repeat.
1. Squeeze your buttocks and thighs. Increases the tension, straighten legs and strongly pushing his heels into the floor. Keep this position, then relax. Repeat.
2. Tighten your inner thighs, maximum squeezing feet. Relax and pay attention to the feeling of "pull" muscles. Repeat.
3. Squeeze the toes. Keep this position, then relax. Repeat.
4. Spread the toes "fan", straining with the calves and shins. Keep this position, then relax. Repeat.
Fast muscle relaxation - simultaneous reduction muscles.
Although the method of progressive muscle relaxation - a great way to relax, but it requires a lot of time to work out all the muscle groups in sequence. For a quick relaxation advise you to master the following method.
Fast muscle relaxation is at the same time relaxing the muscles of the body. You should stretch all muscle groups and hold power seven seconds, and then give your muscles relax for twenty seconds - exactly the same as in the method of progressive muscle relaxation. When you gain some more experience, you will need less time for tension and relaxation of muscles.
1. Firmly squeeze fists while tensing your biceps and triceps, as "Mr. Universe". If you do not want from your tension was noticeable, simply tighten the muscles drooping hands. Hold the tension, then relax.
2. Tilt your head. Spend it on a circle: for clockwise and counterclockwise. At the same time tighten the face, as if every part of it you want to reach out to the tip of the nose. Relax. Now tighten your jaw and throat muscles and move your shoulders back. Keep this position for the & shy; so relax.
3. Slowly arch your back forward, at the same time taking a deep breath. Hold this position, then relax. Take another deep breath, sticking out at the same stomach. Then relax.
4. Point the toes of the feet up while tensing the muscles of the calves and shins. Keep this position, then relax. Now squeeze your toes while tensing the muscles of the calves, thighs and buttocks. Hold the tension, then relax.
Relaxation without conscious voltage
You will need between seven and fourteen sessions, progressive muscle relaxation, to learn how to relieve tension in the muscles. You will not have to deliberately stretch each muscle group before you relax them. Simply scan your body and get tense areas. Release the tension in the same way as we did in the exercises after intentional muscle contractions. Concentrate and listen to their feelings. Work each muscle group until then, until you feel that they are floor & shy; of relaxed. If you find an area from which the voltage does not go away, this strain a muscle or group of muscles, and then loosen the tension. This method is perfect for relaxing sore muscles, a condition which does not want to exacerbate the over-voltage.
Signal relaxation
This relaxation technique combines verbal suggestion and abdominal breathing. First of all, take a comfortable position. Now, try to get rid of stress using the previous method.
Concentrate on how the rise and fall of your belly with each inhalation and exhalation. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. With each breath relax more and more.
With every breath, start to say to yourself, "breathe", and when you exhale - "relaxation". Just repeat: "Breathe in relax, breath relax" - releasing tension throughout the body. signal relaxation method teaches your body to associate the word "relaxation" with a sense of relaxation. After you play around for a while and the association is entrenched, you'll be able to relax the muscles, just mentally repeating: "The breath relax." Signal relaxation sometimes helps to relieve stress less than a minute and is an important part of anxiety management program and anger.