Rheumatism - the result of constant criticism

Rheumatism is acquired from the constant criticism of ourselves and others, say analysts. People with diseased joints, always and everywhere aspire to be perfect. And it becomes unbearable burden for them. Sometimes arthritis is caused by the suppression of anger, rage and hatred, when people want to hit someone.

Oleg Torsunov, doctor and psychologist, in his book "Communication with the nature of disease," writes.

The presence in the nature of the following qualities: hope, forgiveness, courtesy, kindness, diligence, provide joint health.

- Hope - promotes normal innervation of joints.

- Despair - causes an increase in sensitivity and pain in the joints.

- Frustration leads to destructive changes in the joints.

- The ability to forgive gives the joints ability to fight inflammation.

- Resentment increases inflammation in the joints.

- Anger leads to destructive violations.

- Courtesy normalizes the exchange substances joints.

- Assertiveness and categorical lead to excessive salt in the joints.

- Indecision causes a decrease in the activity of the joints.

- Goodwill promotes the normalization of immunity in the joints.

- The criticism reduces immunity in joints.

- The negative attitude causes autoimmune processes and destruction of joint tissue.

- Hard work gives strength and stability of joints.

- Idleness reduces strength and stability of the joints, leading to their rapid pain and fatigue.

- Passionate work causes excessive increase in voltage joints, drains and their tires.