Laryngitis shows fear to express their own opinion

Laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx, an organ by which we made a sound. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness, cough and sometimes difficulty breathing.

Laryngitis compels you to give up communication and clarify the relationship. The reason may be fear bump into resistance if you vyskazhesh open their minds. The disease is an indication that you have another way to express their anger and frustration (often in relation to the authorities), noted Bodo J. Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in the book "Reiki." - Universal life energy. "

However, external shame is only a pointer to the internal conflict. Therefore, rest, stay a while one and go inward. If you can speak again with love and trust, your laryngitis will disappear by itself. Reiki works here with great advantage, use it!