Top 4 Ways to develop the creative abilities
Brilliant ideas do not appear in my head just so. It is necessary to try very much to where they "accidentally" appeared. How does this assist?
1. Make creativity a habit
Well-known American choreographer Twyla Tharp once said: "Creativity - it is not what you are doing from time to time. Engaged in creativity - so make it your daily routine. " That is why many writers are sitting at the table each morning and do not leave it until then, until you finish the chapter or reach a certain number of characters. Their only secret of success is that they do it every day. So make sure to find time in your schedule and take care of a quiet environment where you can regularly develop their creativity.
2. Do not be afraid to follow someone
At the beginning of its work, Picasso was inspired by the works of Cezanne. Many young pop star Madonna or imitate Michael Jackson. The same with the budding writer. All are inspired by someone and someone to emulate. And there is nothing wrong, after all, what do you do when someone has already done to you. Imitating others' creativity, while at the same time you are developing your own skills and your own style.
3. Surround yourself with creative people
When you are surrounded by people who have a rich imagination and a huge energy reserves, you own imagination begins to work harder, and you charge someone else's cheerfulness. Therefore, look for friends and acquaintances, which will inspire you. As a result, you learn to think in new and more interesting ways.
4. Remember that creativity - a process
The first version of each project, you can improve with time. So do not just get upset if your creation you think "suck." When your inner critic will tell you that what you are doing, hopeless, say to him: "I will finish first and revisions'll do later."