Cervical ectropion - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

ectropion cervix uteri. - Cervix pathological condition, at which the inversion channel in cervical mucous vaginal cavity. Clinical manifestations of developing ectropion accession inflammatory or premalignant cervical lesions: it may be leucorrhea and contact bleeding, menstrual dysfunction, pain in the pelvis. Cervical ectropion is diagnosed as a result of a pelvic exam, the extended colposcopy, cytological and morphological studies. ectropion Treatment of congenital or minor lesions may include electrocoagulation, laser vaporization and cryosurgery; with pronounced changes - conization, or cervical excision.

  • Causes of cervical ectropion
  • Symptoms of cervical ectropion
  • uterus.
  • Diagnosis of cervical ectropion
  • Treatment of cervical ectropion
  • Prediction and prevention of cervical ectropion
  • uterus.
  • Cervical ectropion - treatment

  • ectropion cervix uteri.
    cervicitis, endometritis. The presence of chronic inflammation in cervical ectropion creates conditions for the development of other pathological conditions: a true erosion, dysplasia, leukoplakia, cervical epithelium atrophy and cervical cancer.

    abortion in the later stages of gestation.

    The break and subsequent scarring of the muscle fibers of the cervix followed by violation of microcirculation, innervation and trophism tissue structures of the cervical canal, which leads to deformation - "hiatus" inversion of the external os and endocervical.

    irregular menstruation (menorrhagia), contact spotting.

    gynecological examination with the help of mirrors, extended colposcopy, cytological and histological studies. Gynecological examination can detect cervical strain: the presence of endocervical eversion of the vaginal cavity, scarring in areas of injury. If necessary, perform a fence material for cytology, microscopy and bacteriological analysis, PCR diagnosis.

    To investigate the nature of the surface area and the type of folds eversion cervical mucosa, detection of complications of cervical ectropion spend extended colposcopy. In congenital ectropion cervix mucosal folds are evenly spaced; when purchased - chaotic. Detection of abnormal colposcopic signs, areas of transformation is an indication for the implementation of targeted biopsy sections of cervical lesions with histological examination of biopsy samples. In congenital cervical ekstropione investigate the hormonal status of the patient, conduct tests of functional diagnostics.

    gynecology suited individually depending on the age, reproductive status of the patient and identified colposcopic and cytological changes.

    Surgical treatment of cervical ectropion include destructive methods (diathermocoagulation, laser vaporization, cryotherapy) or surgical (radio frequency conization, or cervical excision). Destructive treatments ectropion indicated for moderate cervical strain and allow to destroy the abnormal tissue. Surgical techniques make it possible to carry out a morphological study of the samples removed.

    Congenital cervical ectropion destroy cryodestruction and surgical treatment used in inefficiency. Radiokonizatsiya or radioekstsiziya performed in patients with severe ectropion, dysplasia and other precancerous processes and allow you to remove the affected cervical fragment and a portion of the cervical canal. Also appointed medical therapy used in the treatment of cervical ectopia and including antibacterial, antiviral, hormonal, immunomodulatory drugs.

    When large deformation due to cervical fractures and scarring processes perform reconstructive plastic surgery. During the rehabilitation period after surgery for cervical ectropion shows sexual rest the first 4-6 weeks, limit physical activities, a ban on the irrigation, the use of tampons, taking baths, steam baths, saunas, swimming pools.


    Measures for the prevention of cervical ectropion are rational labor management, timely and adequate contraception to prevent abortions.