Electric shock in children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Electrocution from children. - A set of local and general pathological effects caused by the defeat of the child electric shock. Local manifestations of electric shock in children presents superficial and deep burns; general -. cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory arrest, paresthesias and paralysis, disorders of consciousness, etc. In establishing the fact of the child's injury electrocution monitored vital signs (ECG, blood pressure control and BH, clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and urine, etc.). When electrical accident it is important to properly and timely render the first aid on the spot and take the child to hospital. Scope for further treatment includes anti shock and symptomatic therapy, treatment of burns.
Electrocution children
pediatrics and pediatric surgery due to significant disability and high mortality of patients. Despite the fact that electrocution is not more than 2.5% of total damage in trauma, burns 10% of all children is due to the influence of electric and 25% of accidents ends with the death of children. The most common electric affected children between the ages of 9 months to 5 years and adolescents.
burns), and electric shock in children, who are often combined with each other.
Common symptoms of electrical accident in children depend on the current effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous system.
Mild electric shock in affected children is marked stiffness and muscle tension, dizziness, visual disturbances, fear, weakness, and sometimes - the excitement and euphoria. In more severe injuries the child loses consciousness, delirium; Falling often develop traumatic brain injury. In case there is complete immobility and loss of sensation severe electric shock in children; it may be the state of "apparent death" (no pulse on the peripheral and carotid arteries, collapse, shallow breathing).
As a result of electric shock in children developing tachycardia or bradycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, voiceless heart tones; in severe cases - ventricular fibrillation and cessation of circulation. Laryngospasm and the reduction of respiratory muscles accompanied by respiratory failure and asphyxia.
In severe cramps are possible ruptures muscle avulsion fractures and compression fractures of the spine. In the late period of electrocution in children may develop liver or kidney failure.
With the defeat of lightning observed clonic convulsions, loss of consciousness of varying duration, followed by agitation, disorientation of the victim, hallucinations. Characterized by pain in the limbs, hyperesthesia, paresis and paralysis are possible. Children complain of a severe headache, tinnitus, pain and eye pain, blurred vision due to eye burns.
Intrigue electric shock is that the death of the children may come immediately, but after a few hours or days due to paralysis of the vital centers in the medulla oblongata, destructive changes in the myocardium, internal bleeding (pulmonary, gastrointestinal), so all the victims without fail require immediate hospitalization and observation. In the long-term cause of death of children from electrocution increasingly acts joined pneumonia, gangrene or sepsis.
pediatricians, pediatric or trauma Anaesthetist at least 24-48 hours.
During the period of observation and treatment of children with electrocution requires constant monitoring of blood pressure, BH, HR, CVP, ECG, clinical blood and urine analysis, blood biochemical parameters (electrolytes, glucose, urea, transaminases, etc.).
Children who received eletrotravmu need counseling children's neurologist, pediatric cardiologist, pediatric pulmonology, pediatric ophthalmology; holding chest radiography, ultrasound of the abdomen, fundus examination (ophthalmoscopy), CT scan or MRI of the brain.
toilet burn wounds, dressings, futlyarnoy novocaine blockade; fasciotomy to determine the depth of burn injuries, decompression and accelerate tissue rejection necrosis; early and delayed necrectomy, different variants of skin plasty; if necessary - amputation. If you have arrosive bleeding vessel ligation is carried out for.
When electrical accident mild analgesics are administered to the child and sedatives; with bronchospasm held nebulayzeroterapiya and inhaled bronchodilators; when seizures shown diazepam. In the case of detection of signs of clinical death of the victim is transferred to the ventilator, the heart to conduct electrical defibrillation. General treatment includes electric shock in children anti shock therapy -. Infusion of electrolyte solutions and plasma substitutes, administration of cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, analgesic, antihistamines, corticosteroids, diuretics, etc. In the period postshokovom held oksigenobaroterapiya, UFO bloods, ozone therapy.
neuritis, asthenia), cardiovascular system (myocardial dystrophy, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction, trophic ulcers), cataracts, hearing loss, autonomic changes (rash, anhidrosis, hair loss), and others. The formation of deformations and contractures due to deep elektroozhogov requires reconstructive rehabilitation interventions. Heavy electrical accident in children can be fatal.
Prevention of electric shock in children is reduced to close the child access to an electrical outlet, check the integrity of the insulation of cables, maintenance of electrical equipment in good condition, etc. The adults must not leave children unattended; It should be carried out awareness-raising activities about the need to respect the rules of electrical and non-gaming and entertainment vicinity of power.