Researchers have proved that thought can cure diseases

The researchers reported that they were able to prove that thoughts can have a positive impact on human health.

Doctors told how to re-do not catch the flu

Even if you are already ill with influenza and SARS this winter, it does not mean that the disease no longer threatens you - in fact many different strains circulate across regions.

A few tricks to successfully replace a diet

A full day at the office is able to wear down anyone. Not surprisingly, the tired body and then require bonuses for harm.

5 useful spice for well being

winter. Experts have found a way to cope with the cold weather and stay awake despite the weather conditions. And it is the use of spices.

How to observe proper nutrition

winter. If you stick to proper nutrition, it is most likely the risk of falling into the cold season.

How to improve performance without the help

coffee. In addition to coffee there are several ways to increase their effectiveness at work. A nutritionist Amy Morris called the seven options.

We find a simple way to protect against recurrence of breast cancer

Half-hour walks protect women from recurrence of deadly breast cancer. That is the conclusion reached by researchers.

How to fix the weight after slimming

Nowadays, there are many products that will add energy to help burn fat and cleanse the body.

Milk diet: losing weight after the holidays

To much to lose weight in a week, it is not necessary to starve or to stock up on exotic products.

Scientists told why men can not worry

Scientists from England reported that they conducted a series of studies that have shown that the experience is incredibly dangerous for men.

3 products that are guaranteed to help you lose weight

Every day we hear about the magic of instant weight loss and how to buy into the promises quick results.

6 proven ways to make us sneeze

We all know not too pleasant feeling in which we want to sneeze, but we can not do it.

5 indicators of cancer in young people

A new study of British scientists has shown that almost a third of young people diagnosed with cancer, do not know the major signs of the disease.

Named the top 10 causes of erectile dysfunction

Problems in bed - the worst nightmare for a man. Therefore, at the slightest trouble the stronger sex

10 foods that should not be stored in the refrigerator

There are a number of products that we habitually or on the advice of their parents continue to be stored in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, they belong in the storeroom.

Effective means of nettles and lemon against

anemia. Anemia means a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. It can be caused by an iron deficiency in humans or be a signal other disorders.

Top 7 taboo for communicating with cancer patients

In dealing with patients who are going through cancer treatment, you need to be particularly careful and cautious.

Help with a hangover: the restoration of acid-base balance

If, after the high jinks in the morning you suffer a hangover, the following tips.

Rapid weight loss: 4 low cost but effective diet

We offer 4 diets for weight loss, which did not give way, and help you lose weight quickly without any cost.

Vulnerability to infection depends on the time of day

The man is more vulnerable to infections during certain periods of the day.

Detoxifies the body and improves the immune system

Studies conducted in recent years, Western Europe and the United States have shown convincingly that most diseases are caused by the body of permanent intoxication parasites.

Scientists have found out, at what age comes a sense of satisfaction

life. The American team of researchers from Princeton University found that a sense of satisfaction with life comes after 54 years.

Cleansing fiber in hypertension: 10 recipes

Eating fiber has a beneficial effect on the work of all organs and body systems. And it is an indisputable fact recognized by official medicine.

Scientists named the best age for paternity

Scientists have found that the best men become fathers between 30 and 40 years.

15 ideas on how to decorate a table for Christmas

The new year has passed, but that does not end with the holidays. To replace him Christmas comes - the most kind and joyful holiday.

The presence of some habits is aging for 12 years

The fight against aging is not only solved cosmetically - you can look much younger than your passport if you give up some habits.

At the age of 30 after eating kills or young

Clinicians have concluded that the impact of food on the body everyday people after the age of 30 years is changing - the usual food can be a factor in disease development.

As in 2017 to protect health: Tips for signs of the zodiac

Astrologers have voiced predictions regarding the health and beauty for all zodiac signs.

5 food habits that will relieve migraine

You suffer from frequent headaches? Small changes in eating habits will help make migraine attacks less frequent.

It named the best position for successful conception

Scientists have figured out what sex position is best contribute to conceive a child, one such item is the situation when the man is on top.