Rectalgia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rectalgia - pain in the anus and rectum caused by muscle spasm. It is characterized by bouts of severe pain, radiating to the abdomen, perineum, tailbone. The pain can pass on their own after a bowel movement, warm sitz baths. The disease can occur long, exhausting, with the development of cancerophobia. When phenomena rectalgia patient needs in consultation coloproctology, holding finger and instrumental examination of the rectum. Depending on the reasons may be assigned rectalgia physiotherapy, blockade, drug therapy. Importance is the identification and treatment of other diseases of the intestine and urogenital system, psychoprophylaxis.

Proctitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Proctitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum area. Is polyetiological disease. Accompanied by frequent urging to stool, discomfort during bowel movements, burning, itching and foreign body sensation in the anus. In severe forms of hyperthermia and observed symptoms of intoxication, chronic proctitis general condition is not violated. Proctitis is diagnosed on the basis of complaints, inspection results, and rectal endoscopy. Treatment - removal of provoking factors, diet, antimicrobials, analgesics and disinfectants.

Prolactinoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Prolactinoma - hormonally active tumor of the anterior pituitary gland that produces excessive amounts of the hormone prolactin. Manifested abnormal secretion of milk unrelated to childbirth (galactorrhea), irregular menstrual periods or absence of women, reduction of sexual desire and potency in men, with the progression of the tumor - headaches, blurred vision and consciousness. Depending on the degree of tumor activity of conservative or surgical treatment, relapses, complete recovery is only a quarter of the cases occur.

Mitral valve prolapse - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Mitral valve prolapse - systolic prolapse of the mitral leaflets into the left atrium. Mitral valve prolapse may occur fatigue, headaches and dizziness, shortness of breath, cardiac pain, faintness, palpitations, feeling disruptions. Instrumental diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse is based on data from echocardiography, ECG, phonocardiography, Holter monitoring, medical imaging. The treatment of mitral valve prolapse mostly symptomatic (antiarrhythmics, sedatives, anti-coagulants); with severe regurgitation, mitral valve is shown.

Mitral valve prolapse in children - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mitral valve prolapse in children - bulging flaps atrioventricular valve into the cavity of the left atrium when the left ventricle contraction. Clinical symptoms of mitral valve prolapse are fatigue, dizziness and fainting, false angina, heart attacks and disruption of the heart. The diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse in children is established pediatric cardiologist based on X-ray data, ECG, echocardiography. Medical Management of mitral valve prolapse in children suggests limiting exercise, individual exercise therapy, symptomatic therapy; in severe mitral regurgitation - plastic or prosthetic valve.

Bedsore - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bedsore - necrosis of soft tissue arising from the violation of their power and prolonged pressure on a certain area of ​​the body. The development of pressure ulcers helps the patient limited mobility, lack of care, as well as violations of sensitivity and trophism. Pressure sores normally occur in the areas adjoining bone projections to skin (sacrum, heels, shoulder blades, etc.). Defeat can be both superficial and deep (with necrosis of muscles and tendons). The treatment of bedsores depends on the depth and necrosis stage. When superficial bedsores performed ligation, excision is necessary for deep necrotic tissue. Treatment is a long, difficult task, so in the process of patient care, special attention should be paid to preventive measures for the prevention of bedsores.

Teething - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Teething - the physiological process of release of the tooth crown to the surface of the alveolar bone of the jaw and gums. The eruption of primary teeth is accompanied by local symptoms (redness, swelling, and "itching" gums, excessive salivation) and general symptoms (anxiety, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance). To facilitate the process of teething, you can give your child a special "teethers" to massage the gums, use anesthetic gels, make applications with herbs. With the deterioration of general condition it is advisable to consult a pediatrician or pediatric dentist.

Prostatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Prostatitis - an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, the most common disease of the urogenital system in men. Prostatitis can occur acutely or chronically. Most often it affects patients aged 25-50 years. According to various data, prostatitis suffers from 30-85% of men over the age of 30 years. Symptoms of prostatitis include pain, difficulty and painful urination, sexual dysfunction. The diagnosis of prostatitis is set by a urologist or andrologist for most typical clinical picture. In addition, prostate ultrasound is performed, bakposev prostatic secretions and urine.

Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia - a pathological condition associated with the formation of foci of cell growth of the prostate gland with signs of atypical degeneration. Asymptomatic. It is regarded by specialists as a morphological precursor of prostate cancer with a high probability of malignant transformation. Diagnosis is exposed based on the data of digital rectal examination, ultrasonography, determining the level of prostate-specific antigen and the results of histological examination. Displaying dynamic observation. diet therapy can be used, hormonal therapy and radiotherapy.

Common migraine - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Common migraine - the most common type of migraine paroxysms, the distinguishing feature of which is the lack of aura and any transitory neurological disorders. Common migraine is characterized by attacks of intense headache, often unilateral, accompanied by nausea, repeated vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. Be sure to exclude other cerebral diseases, which can be a symptom of such a cephalalgia. Treatment of simple migraine held serotonin receptors agonists, NSAIDs, dihydroergotamine, non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, antiemetics, sedatives and tranquilizers.

Simple contact dermatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Simple contact dermatitis - an inflammatory skin reaction that occurs in response to a direct effect of irritating substances (alkalis, acids, detergents, solvents, bleach, etc). Symptoms depend on the strength and nature of the impact. It can be a skin redness, dryness and cracks, swelling, blistering or ulceration covered with scab. Diagnosis of a simple contact dermatitis and its differentiation from other dermatitis is based on the detection of the disease due to exposure to the skin of the affected area of ​​the chemical. Treatment consists of removal of the causative agent, the local application of glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory, healing and antibacterial agents.

Professional asthma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Professional asthma - respiratory hypersensitivity flowing with airway obstruction that develops against the backdrop of exposure to workplace allergens. Professional asthma symptoms are bouts of breathlessness, cough, expiratory dyspnea, wheezing, which arise directly in contact with the trigger substances at work. To confirm the diagnosis is necessary to establish the association between professional activities and the occurrence of asthma symptoms. Conducted allergy tests, provocation tests, peak flow meters. Treatment - avoid contact with the allergen (if possible), pharmacotherapy (desensitizers, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and others.), Physiotherapy.

Occupational eczema - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Occupational eczema - a chronic indolent inflammatory skin disease that develop in the course of professional activity in connection with exposure to irritating substances. Often it arises against allergic dermatitis. It is characterized by redness of the skin, formation of vesicles and papules, weeping and itching. In the diagnosis of occupational eczema primary importance is the definition of the disease provoking factors by interviewing patients and conducting allergy tests. Treatment is carried out antihistamines, sedatives, glucocorticoid drugs, local antipruritic and astringent. Widely used physiotherapy, laser therapy and cryotherapy to the affected skin.

Professional dermatoses - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Professional dermatoses - a large group of skin diseases associated with production activities. Clinical manifestations are diverse professional dermatoses correspond clinic analog diseases that do not have a professional component. It can be dermatitis, eczema, vitiligo, vasculitis, porphyria, lichens, keratoses, urticaria. The basis of diagnosis make up history, a statement of fact of occupational hazard, the clinical picture, the analysis of working conditions in the workplace, skin tests and immunological tests. Treatment of occupational dermatoses is identical to their non-professional counterparts.

Occupational cancer - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Occupational cancer - malignant tumors of various localization, which arise as a result of prolonged exposure to specific carcinogens in the performance of professional duties and identified in people of certain professions significantly more often than the average for the population. Arranged in various organs, most commonly revealed skin lesions, lungs, upper respiratory tract and the bladder. When the diagnosis takes into account medical history, clinical findings and the results of additional studies. Tactics of treatment depends on the type, location and stage of the tumor. Of great importance are preventive measures.

Pseudoallergy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pseudoallergy - is increased reactivity to certain substances entering the body, with the development of clinical signs characteristic of a true allergy. At the same immunological reactions arising from allergies, are absent, and the inflammatory process develops due to violations of exchange of histamine, inappropriate activation of complement and other mechanisms. For the development of pseudoallergy requires a fairly large amount of substances causing intolerances (food, supplements or medications). Diagnosis is based on the exclusion of pseudoallergy true allergy. Treatment involves the rejection of problem foods, the use of antihistamines.

Psevdoahondroplaziya - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psevdoahondroplaziya - a hereditary disease from the group osteochondrodysplasias, is the most common condition of this type. Symptoms of this disease are disproportionate dwarfism, curvature of the lower limbs (O or X-shaped legs), increased joint mobility (except the elbow) and other malformations of the skeleton development. Psevdoahondroplazii Diagnosis is made based on the data of the present status of the patient, radiographic studies, molecular genetic analyzes. Specific treatment of this disease at the moment does not exist, using different symptomatic measures (physiotherapy, surgical correction) to improve the quality of life of the patient.

Pseudohypoparathyreosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pseudohypoparathyreosis (Albright's disease) - a hereditary osteodystrophy due to resistance of peripheral tissues to parathyroid hormone, which is accompanied by disorder of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, delayed physical and mental development. Pseudohypoparathyreosis proceeds with the phenomena of diffuse osteoporosis, tonic seizures, fractures and bone deformation, the deposition of calcium in the muscles and blood vessels, the formation of stones in the urinary tract, delayed growth and mental development delay. In order to carry out certain diagnostic pseudohypoparathyreosis calcium, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone in the blood; calcium and phosphorus excretion in the urine; functional test with the introduction of parathyroid hormone; X-ray diagnostics. pseudohypoparathyreosis Treatment involves medication correction of hypocalcemia.

pseudolymphoma skin - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

pseudolymphoma skin - a group of benign reactive dermatosis characterized by hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue. A feature of the pathological process is the localization of primary cells (erythema, nodules, plaques) in the face, in certain types of pseudolymphoma dissemination may occur rash. The diagnosis is carried out taking into account the clinical history of pathology (precipitating factors), the histology results, PCR and immunohistochemical diagnostic testing. Treatment includes detoxification, antihistamines, corticosteroids, chelators and physiotherapy.

Pseudomembranous colitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pseudomembranous colitis - an acute inflammation of the large intestine caused by Clostridium difficile and occurs in patients receiving antibiotics or (rarely) other drugs. Clinical manifestations can vary. Typically, pseudomembranous colitis revealed abdominal pain and prolonged diarrhea in combination with signs of general intoxication. In severe cases can damage the intestinal wall rough denominated exchange and fatal disorder. The disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, examination data, blood tests and stool, endoscopy. Treatment - the abolition of the antibiotic diet, causal treatment, correction of metabolic disorders.

Pseudomucinous cystoma ovary - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pseudomucinous cystoma ovary - a true benign ovarian neoplasm composed of epithelial cells that produce mucoid substance (psevdomutsin). Pseudomucinous cystoma ovarian manifested weight and abdominal pain, increased abdominal volume, disorders of defecation and urination. Diagnosis at cystoma ovary includes vaginal examination, ultrasound, laparoscopy. Tactics against pseudomucinous cystoma ovary exclusively in the volume of surgical removal of tumors, oophorectomy, removal of appendages or supravaginal hysterectomy with appendages.

Pseudopolyposis colon - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pseudopolyposis colon - secondary pathological condition in which multiple protrusions appearance resembling polyps formed on the colon mucosa. It occurs in inflammatory bowel disease and some infections of the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical picture of colon pseudopolyposis defined underlying disease, patients may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus, flatulence, weight loss and pathological impurities in the feces. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of endoscopy and biopsy. In some cases, the use of CT and X-ray with contrast. It requires treatment of the underlying pathology.

Psevdosiringomieliticheskaya akropatiya - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psevdosiringomieliticheskaya akropatiya - a rare chronic systemic disease of unknown etiology, at the base of cutaneous manifestations of which are degenerative changes. Usually it affects the lower limbs. Clinically evident formation of ulcers on the plantar surface of the foot against the backdrop of the loss of temperature sensitivity, hyperhidrosis, onychodystrophy, ankilozirovaniya joints and spontaneous amputation. Pain and sensitivity are maintained. The disease is diagnosed based on history and full clinical and laboratory examination of the patient. Apply vasoactive drugs, appoint local agents using hyperbaric oxygenation and deep radiotherapy, performed sympathectomy. It noted the low efficiency of therapeutic measures.

Pseudotuberculosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pseudotuberculosis - Yersinia infections, characterized by the development of toxic, allergic and poliochagovoy organ symptoms. The course is accompanied by pseudotuberculosis polymorphic manifestations: fever, intoxication, intestinal disorders, catarrhal symptoms, Scarlatiniform rash, arthralgia and swelling joints. The decisive role in the diagnosis pseudotuberculosis belongs bacteriological examination, serological methods, PCR. As causal therapy pseudotuberculosis appointed antibiotics (tetracycline, chloramphenicol, cephalosporins, and others.); further - antihistamines, infusion solutions.

Psevdotumor orbit - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Psevdotumor orbit - a heterogeneous group of diseases of the eye socket, which includes primary idiopathic myositis, dacryoadenitis, local and diffuse vasculitis. Common clinical manifestations of all forms are proptosis, pain in the eye socket, swelling and redness century. Diagnosis psevdotumora orbit involves performing visual inspection and palpation, ophthalmoscopy, viziometrii, computed tomography, histomorphological and cytological examination. The tactics of conservative treatment is to appoint a course of corticosteroids in the form of retrobulbar injection. In the absence of the effect of medical treatment carried out orbitotomiya psevdotumora orbit.

Pseudotumor pancreatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pseudotumor pancreatitis - clinical and morphological form of chronic inflammation of the pancreas characterized by hypertrophy of the parenchyma and increasing body size. The clinical picture is dominated by symptoms of jaundice, endocrine disease, characterized by dyspeptic symptoms and pain. Diagnosis is based on an assessment of the patient's complaints, anamnesis, data instrumental examinations (ultrasound and CT scan of the pancreas), as well as methods of exclusion pancreas tumor. Treatment is based on relieving pain, normalization of outflow of pancreatic juice, the compensation of the external and endocrine insufficiency.

Psevdofurunkulez - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psevdofurunkulez (multiple abscesses in children) - purulent lesion of the sweat glands, developing the penetration therein of staphylococci and other pathogens. The infectious process at psevdofurunkuleze captures not only the ducts of sweat glands, and their glomeruli. Characterized by the appearance in the subcutaneous tissue dense nodules, skin on which has a healthy appearance. Gradually nodules increase and soften, then there is their opening. Psevdofurunkuleza Diagnosis is based on the results of the dermatological examination and bacteriological examination separated nodes. Treatment is carried out in the hospital with antibiotics, detoxifying solutions, immunomodulators and local funds.

Psychogenic Depression - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Psychogenic depression - depressive disorder, resulting from acute or chronic trauma. It is accompanied by a decrease in mood, depression, anxiety, slow thinking, motor inhibition, pessimistic perception of the past, present and future, a decrease in self-esteem, impaired social activity and somatovegetativnymi disorders. Psychogenic depression often leads to conflicts with others. Diagnosis put on the basis of medical history, symptoms and results of special surveys. Treatment - psychotherapy, drug therapy.

Psychogenic form of premature ejaculation - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Psychogenic form of premature ejaculation - early ejaculation caused solely by psychological factors in the absence of organic problems. Psychogenic form of premature ejaculation may be associated with neurosis expectations of failure, sexual excitement, irregular sexual life and other factors. In this form of sexual dysfunction duration of sexual intercourse in men may be different with different female partners; formed the fear of sexual intercourse, decreased self-esteem. In the form of psychogenic premature ejaculation man needs help andrologist, sexologist or psychologist.

Binge eating disorder - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Binge eating disorder - an eating disorder, manifested by uncontrolled absorption of large quantities of food because of the stress. It is a multifactorial disease that can be triggered by accidents, surgery, divorce, bereavement, relationship problems and negative emotions. Binge eating disorder is accompanied by a set of excess weight. The main symptom is binge eating episodes during which the patient takes a large amount of food in the absence of hunger. The episodes end with a sense of guilt or shame. Diagnosis is based on a conversation with the patient. Treatment - psychotherapy, diet, and in some cases, pharmacotherapy.