Scientists spoke about the benefits and dangers of eating on the go

Nutritionists from the United States reported that power on the go, which is when the pace of modern life has become increasingly popular, has its pros and cons.

Scientists named the best cure for constipation

Ordinary bananas can be an effective treatment for constipation as nutritionists say. These loved by many fruits act as natural laxatives.

Sea salt: 8 amazing benefits

Perhaps you think that the salt you use, you got to the table straight from the sea (sea salt).

5 drinks, to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system!

Fruits and vegetables have a whole range of useful features that help to maintain and enhance the health of our body and, in particular, immunity.

The separated teeth will tell how much is left to live

Number of dropped teeth help determine the rest of the human lifespan. That is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Oral Health Foundation in the UK.

Citrus fruits help to restore digestion

Contrary to popular belief, the citrus fruit are contraindicated in acidity, doctors say that their regular use is able to establish digestion and digestive tract.

What can not be present for the New Year?

If you believe in omens, not all beautiful and expensive things - a good gift. There we launched that instead of the expected joy can bring a person into trouble.

Ice cream can cause heart disease

For those who care about their nutrition and health, it is better to abandon the consumption of ice cream in industrial production.

Simple advice on how to avoid frostbite

Winter is in full swing. The street is pretty cool, and the lower the temperature of the air outside the window, the greater the chance of getting hypothermia or frostbite part of the body while walking.

10 common signs of coffee depending

Experts called the 10 common signs of growing coffee addiction, with which you have to fight there or just enjoy life.

How to identify the symptoms of male depression

"Men do not cry" - the widespread stereotype is rooted in the minds of most of the stronger sex in the modern world.

Researchers: fruit juices "kill" the liver

The Israel Medical Association cautioned that regular drinking fruit juice can seriously harm the liver.

10 issues that will help to solve Pilates

Pilates - it's not just the exercises on the mat, which offers a fitness club. And the effect on employment is not only the appearance - a beautiful and toned body, but also internal.

Six changes that will happen to you in case of failure of

alcohol. Even if you do not abuse the strong drink and observe the recommended alcohol consumption rates, listen to yourself.

Doctors: a healthy diet, there is no

Power is never healthy or harmful, because it can not be a universal supply system, indicative of all.

7 alternatives to the usual products

Quite often, we give up the foods. In part, this may be dictated by the presence of a number of health problems.

Charging in the morning to protect against heart attack

Scientists have found that brief but regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, particularly heart attacks.

How to protect yourself from the flu if someone got sick from households

Each person has their own individual immune system because the body of one person can easily cope with a specific virus, but pass it a loved one.

Caffeine protects against age-related illnesses and

inflammation. Stanford University School of Medicine has identified the connection aging, systemic inflammation, diseases of the cardiovascular system and coffee consumption.

In winter, the mood will lift multicolored paint and bright lighting

Overcome seasonal fatigue, drowsiness and irritability can, filling the house and an office with bright colors and lighting.

Mesotherapy: myths and reality

Mesotherapy is one of the most frequently carried out procedures in clinics and beauty salons - on the testimony of its prescribed even teenagers with skin problems.

Scientists named the most useful way of cooking rice

Millions of people cook rice properly, thereby exposing their health to substantial risk. This opinion was expressed by experts in the field of healthy food from Ireland.

Scientists have discovered why people often suffer in the cold

As everyone knows, the cause colds are viruses, and therefore, the temperature change should theoretically not make a person more susceptible to illnesses.

Researchers: the right utensils to help lose weight

Scientists from the United States reported that they were able to prove that successful weight loss plays an important role not only what a person eats, but also from what he's eating utensils.

Top 9 advantages of water with lemon

The role of water in our body is huge and it is very important to control her intake to stay healthy and beautiful.

Language is able to report on human diseases

Doctors say that the language of color can inform about human diseases.

Named spice that helps to lose weight and normalizes cholesterol

Recent studies have shown that thyme, which has long been used as a medicine and spices, is a great fighter with excess weight.

Abdominal pain: 9 products to help

Any pain causes a person discomfort, unsettling. Annoying pain in the abdomen is able to overshadow even the rainbow day.

From Old New Year!

Revision health info congratulates its readers with the Old New Year!

How to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates: simple advice

Dietitians give simple advice on how to reduce your carbohydrate intake.