Echinococcosis of liver - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Echinococcosis liver. - One of the most common parasitic diseases, which is based on the formation of cysts in the liver. The main symptoms of this disease are weakness, a significant decrease in appetite, weight loss, feeling of heaviness in the liver, nausea after eating fried or fatty foods, upset his chair. For the diagnosis of liver echinococcosis apply CBC, immunological methods, ultrasound of the abdomen, magnetic resonance imaging, SPECT liver, laparoscopy, etc. The most effective treatment - surgical excision of cysts.; and worming drugs are used.
liver.helminth infections. Echinococcosis incidence varies considerably in different countries. The disease is mainly observed in regions where actively engaged in agricultural activities. Parasite Echinococcus exclusively in the human body in the form of larvae, affecting not only the liver, but other organs such as brain and lungs. In this engagement process occurs in the liver in 65% of all cases of this disease. The study of the pathology involved in gastroenterology, infectology. echinococcosis treatment outside the scope of specialists such as infectious diseases, gastroenterology, hepatology and surgeon.
diarrhea. Nausea usually develops after eating fatty, fried and spicy foods. Discomfort in the right half of the abdomen after eating or worries on the background of physical activity. Patients with hepatic echinococcosis periodically celebrate diarrhea, which is associated with impaired digestion of fatty acids in the intestine due to inhibition of the production of bile by hepatocytes.
In the third stage of development of liver hydatid disease manifested complications that are associated with hydatid cysts violation of the integrity and the spread of the parasite eggs to other organs. As a rule, in contact with the parasite in the blood of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by spasm of the bronchial tubes and the development of respiratory failure. In addition, echinococcus can spread to bone, brain, lungs and other organs, causing a violation of their functions.
One of the most frequent complications is considered festering cyst contents, which at break may extend into the peritoneal or pleural cavity, causing peritonitis or pleurisy purulent. With a large amount of a cystic cavity it may infringe on closely spaced vessels and bile ducts. Because the blood vessels often squeezed gate Vienna, which is manifested by increased pressure in the venous system of the abdominal cavity. As a result, increased spleen and ascites appears. Less cyst compresses the inferior vena cava, which leads to the development of heart failure. This complication is expressed by shortness of breath, swelling of the lower limbs, renal dysfunction and impaired blood supply to internal organs. A frequent complication of liver echinococcosis is a compression of the biliary tract, which is accompanied by violation of the outflow of bile. Symptoms of bile stasis - yellowing of the skin, itching and frustration of a chair with a change in its color.
urinalysis, immunological tests (complement fixation reaction, indirect agglutination reaction) and allergic test Katstsoni. The general analysis of blood marked increase in the number of eosinophils and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Immunological tests are used to determine the presence of antibodies in the blood and echinococcus cyst contents. They allow you to accurately diagnose liver hydatid disease. Since this disease can interfere with the function of hepatocytes, for its evaluation conducted biochemical liver tests.
From the instrumental methods of the important role played by ultrasound of the liver and gall bladder, plain radiography of the abdominal organs, Magnetic resonance imaging and single photon emission computed tomography of the liver (liver SPECT). These imaging techniques allow the survey to identify the cyst and to determine its size. They also provide an opportunity to assess the size of the liver, bile ducts advanced visualization, enlarged spleen or ascites. These changes may occur in complicated echinococcosis liver. In order to get the cyst contents and detect parasites, it is recommended hepatic biopsy - but only in compliance with the procedure, eliminating the larvae of Echinococcus seeding the surrounding tissue. Because invasive techniques can be used laparoscopy, with which you can directly view the abdominal organs video endoscope.
excision of cysts of the liver and liver cyst endoscopic drainage. After removal of the cysts are introduced in the cavity germicides (the most effective in preventing recurrence of liver echinococcosis 80-100% glycerol and 30% sodium chloride solution).
Prediction and prevention of liver echinococcosis
Prevention of hepatic echinococcosis is aimed at the prevention of infection by a parasite. Careful hand washing after contact with animals and before any use of food. You should also carry out a complete thermal processing of meat, allowing it to destroy the larvae are echinococcus.
Echinococcosis of the liver in a timely and proper surgical intervention is curable, but the detection of the later stages of the disease, even against the background of the treatment greatly reduces the quality of life, and in some cases can cause the pathology and to the patient's death. Relapses occur in approximately 7% of patients.