How to tame the hormones that affect the set

The endocrine system plays a major, if not the main role in regulating our weight. The endocrine system consists of glands that produce a variety of hormones that affect the activity of cells, organs, and virtually every function in our body. And of course, hormones are of great importance in weight gain or weight loss, regulation of appetite, metabolic rate, postponing the fat mass, the event of sudden desire to eat tasty, etc. It hormones decide to accumulate or burn fat.


The cells derive energy from glucose. After the meal, glucose levels rise, and the pancreas secretes insulin. It helps deliver glucose into cells. Figuratively speaking, together with glucose, insulin knocks on the door of the cell. The cells hear the knock and open, allowing glucose to enter inside.

Insulin gives us energy, but also collects and stores fat. If
body. high levels of insulin, the fat will be deposited.


Cortisol - a stress hormone. It is secreted by the adrenal glands to prevent the fall in blood glucose. That is why stress causes the desire to eat, especially something sweet - so the body accumulates strength to confront difficult situations.

Cortisol decreases the rate of metabolism to conserve energy. If the body high levels of cortisol, the fat will be deposited.


Leptin - a saturation hormone secreted by fat cells and sends a signal to the brain, "you are full." It controls the rate of metabolism and decides what to do with the fat: to save or burn. If the body's leptin levels low, you will overeat. Often a drop in the level of leptin causes lack of sleep, so it is important to build a daily routine.

Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are produced by the thyroid gland and are activators of lipolysis. They are dependent on the rate of metabolism. If the body's low level of thyroid hormone, the fat will be deposited.

What to eat and how to exercise to lose weight?


Studies have shown that the optimal frequency of the power supply - it is still 3 times a day.
Hard diet - stress to the body. You will become slimmer, but not for long, and the body receives a signal that fell on hard times, it is necessary to make a nest egg for a rainy day. As a result, even if you eat a little weight can increase.

It is better to lose weight slowly, keeping a small calorie deficit (for example, your rate of 1900 kcal to eat 1700 - the exact amount is calculated based on your age, height, weight, and lifestyle). So you convince the body that supply of fat do not need.

Eat foods that are less likely contribute to the development of insulin. These are products with a low glycemic index (GI). GI indicates what level of glucose in blood will be after eating the product.

Instead of fast carbohydrates eat protein and fat: they are well saturated and help avoid overeating. Protein - the main material for building muscle and more muscle, the more calories the body spends even at rest.


When we exercise, muscles consume glucose supply and need to replenish it. The study found that the most effective to improve insulin sensitivity is high intensity interval training.

The optimal time for training - 1-15 hours for moderate loads. Enough for 20 minutes, in the case of high-intensity interval training. After this exercise, the body continues to expend more calories per day. Bring on the carbohydrate-protein workout (or carbohydrate) drink - it will help keep cortisol under control.