limb shortening - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Shortening limbs. - Reducing the length of the one relative to the other limb or decrease the length of both legs, in which violations of the human body proportions. Slight shortening (1-2 cm) is widespread and has no clinical significance. A significant shortening of the lower extremities, especially unilateral, can provoke a number of diseases of the joints and spine. Diagnosis is exposed after special measurements. Possible correction insoles and orthopedic shoes, with severe limb shortening is extended using the Ilizarov apparatus.

  • Types and causes shortening
  • limbs.
  • Symptoms and consequences of shortening
  • limbs.
  • Diagnosis
  • shortening of the limbs.
  • Treatment of limb shortening
  • limb shortening - treatment

  • Shortening

    incorrect posture and incorrect muscle patterns that influence the formation of the body during the growth of the child. The difference in leg length of 1-2 cm invisible even to the patient and only detected by special studies. Shortening one limb more than 3-5 cm is a significant imbalance of the pelvis and gives a person discomfort when walking.

    achondroplasia and certain other genetically determined diseases and manifest inconsistency proportions of the trunk and limbs. Asymmetrical bilateral shortening of the observed anomalies of the upper and lower extremities. The reason for the unilateral shortening may be a number of different pathologies. There are the following types of unilateral shortening:

  • True . It is formed when organic lesions of bone. Segment by segment are found in measuring limb length. The sum of the lengths of the femur and tibia on one side is smaller than the other. There is a consequence of wrongly fused fractures, malformations, tumors and some infectious diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis).
  • Relative . Formed in violation of the relations between the segments extremities. Subjectively, one limb looks shorter than the other, but in the measurement it is found that the length of the legs and hips alike. There is due to the shift of articular ends of the bones as a result of intra-articular fractures and congenital dislocation.
  • Apparent . Formed as a result of forced flexion. As in the previous case, the length of the legs appears subjectively different, but the measurements confirm that equal length segments. The reason for the apparent shortening may be arthritis, arthrosis, articular ends of bone tumor or traumatic contracture.

  • If a patient has several types of limb shortening (for example, reducing the length of the hip due to wrong accrete fracture of the femur combined with flexion contracture of the knee), talking about shortening the total. The total shortening is determined by placing a stack of plates of different thickness as long as the front of the pelvis upper spine will not appear on the same level.

    curvature of the spine. Lameness may be missing. Alertness must cause a difference in the level of the popliteal pit arrangement, the upper pole of the patella, the greater trochanter, anterior and posterior superior iliac spines.

    Even a slight shortening of the limbs can not be considered harmless phenomenon, because it leads to disruption of the normal anatomic relationships between the parts of the body while standing and walking. Violated the alignment of the joints, torso, and limbs are twisted and shifted somewhat, to ensure the normal vertical position of the body, there are the so-called compensatory deformity. The load is increased on one leg, pelvis warp.

    . Spine by shortening one limb to 1.3 cm forms a C-shaped curve, with a shortening of 1.3 cm -. S-shaped bend. Over time, a violation of posture becomes fixed, can develop scoliosis. The muscles are constantly in a state of high tension. There are pains in the back, joints and muscles, fatigue, heaviness in the feet and legs after the walk. Deteriorating blood stream, lymphatic system suffers. With long-term existence of the disease may develop osteoarthritis, coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis, as well as the aggravation of flatfoot.

    X-ray radiography of the tibia or femur. When arthritis perform radiography of the knee, the hip X-ray or knee arthroscopy. If you suspect a soft tissue lesion using MRI data. According to the testimony of patients sent for consultation to the oncologist, TB specialist, venereal diseases, infectious diseases, rheumatology and other specialists.

    orthopedics and traumatology. For small shortening usually held conservative correction - to eliminate the difference in leg length using special insoles or orthopedic shoes. With significant shortening of tactics is determined individually and depends on the reasons for changing the length of the limb, the patient's age, state of health and other factors. The most popular and effective method of surgical treatment is shortening the limb lengthening using the Ilizarov apparatus.

    Ilizarov device allows extending shin 8-10 cm, and hip -. 5-6 cm should be borne in mind that the increase in length of the segment is carried out gradually and can last up to six months or more. Installing the device on the shin relatively easily tolerated by patients, since it allows to maintain sufficient mobility, not only interferes with the movements in the joints and limbs t. D. Set the machine on the transport of heavy hip as substantially restricts movement and self-care. Throughout the treatment period, patients perform specific exercises to prevent muscle atrophy and preservation of joint mobility. Functional results are good.