Named the fruit, the daily use of which will help to keep warm in the cold

Apples, especially local production does not pass a comprehensive processing, contains the entire spectrum needed by the body trace elements and vitamins, and due to the content of special substances and compounds of these fruits help the body to regulate body temperature and longer does not freeze in the cold.

In cold weather, the body needs extra nourishment with vitamins and valuable trace elements. To make up for their shortage and to provide the body with energy, experts recommend to include in the diet as much as possible of plant foods - vegetables, herbs, nuts, fruits and berries.

Especially useful vegetables and fruits that grow on the ground, - that they perceive our body with the greatest gratitude and makes extensive use of all they contain useful active substances. One of the most useful fruits doctors call an apple - just two apples a day will provide the body with all essential trace elements and vitamins.

"Many people know that baked apples improve the functioning of the digestive system, and green varieties - stimulates metabolism (which is important for those who are afraid to get better in the cold season). But in the winter they are especially important for our mood and cheerfulness - to wake up faster and feel full of energy, drink a morning cup of tea, infused with fresh fruit Antonovka ", - said the doctor Viktoriya Savitskaya.

"Sweet and sour APPLE (mainly green varieties), a huge number of trace elements such as iron. This is a great prevention of chronic fatigue and anemia. And thanks to the abundance of iodine in the "winter" varieties, apples help us to quickly warm up in the cold. It is important to eat apples with the stump, because iodine is concentrated mainly in the grains of ", - says the doctor.

Due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, the daily consumption of at least 1-2 apples will save you from beriberi, the expert said.