Phonetic and phonemic hypoplasia (FFN) - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
FFN (phonetic and phonemic hypoplasia) - aborted sound aspects of speech, characterized by phonetic and phonemic defects. The main defining feature of FFN is incomplete formation of the pronunciation of the processes and the perception of phonemes that are similar in acoustic-articulatory characteristics. FFN is a serious obstacle on the way of mastering the skills of reading and writing, and is a risk factor for the development of dysgraphia and dyslexia in school children.
Violations of means of communication (FFN and OHP) are categories of psycho-pedagogical classification of speech disorders, reflecting the level of formation of linguistic resources and allow, in accordance with this build speech therapy work. FFN span a vast group of speech disorders: articulatory-phonemic and phonemic acoustic dyslalia, dysarthria, nasality. Children with FFN make up 20-25% of the total number of children with speech disorders.
diagnostic study of speech in a child with FFN, speech therapist (from medical records or from conversations with parents) clarifies medical history information (especially pregnancy and childbirth the mother, early physical, mental development of the child). When making a speech on the child's card with FFN should make special notes about the status of the hearing (on the conclusion of child otolaryngologist), neurological status (on the conclusion of child neurologist), general health (at the conclusion of the pediatrician).
Then we study the condition and mobility of the articulation apparatus valued condition of voice and respiratory function. The examination zvukoproiznoshenija draws attention to the character of the existing disorders (replacement, blending, distortion, lack of it), the distinction between the opposition of phonemes, the ability to play according to different syllabic structure. It is important for FFN is a study of the level of formation of skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Diagnosis of speech ends with the study of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of vocabulary, formation of the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.
When writing the diagnosis revealed the presence of specific errors in the letter and its nature (the replacement of letters agrammatism and others.), Defined level of proficiency in reading, error, reading comprehension.
The voice card is required to the child's speech patterns are recorded on the basis of which it is concluded the presence of the child FFN.
FFN correction work carried out over the articulatory aspect of speech (articulation refinement, production, automation and differentiation of sounds); the formation of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis; enriching vocabulary; skills development word formation and inflection, drawing simple and complex sentences; the development of coherent speech; mastering the basic skills of reading and writing. Classes for FFN correction using age-appropriate verbal and visual material, different teaching techniques, articulation exercises, massage logopaedic. Logopedic work on FFN correction take place in the individual, subgroup and the front shape.
Children with FFN need in child psychology classes: development of auditory attention and auditory memory, general and fine motor skills, memory, thinking.
Prediction and prevention of FFN
Early identification of children with FFN and conduct targeted logopedic work allows you to completely fix zvukoproiznoshenija shortcomings and develop phonemic perception. It is desirable that the phonetic and phonemic hypoplasia was eliminated before entering school - this is the key to a successful mastery of written language a child.
Warning FFN requires preventive perinatal pathology, care for general health and harmonious development of children, the organization of the correct speech environment, activation of auditory attention and gnosis as a basis for the formation of phonemic processes. Important is the attention of parents to their child's speech and timely access to a speech therapist for the correction of existing violations.