Freckles - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Freckles (Efelidy) - Small, multiple, yellowish-brownish pigmentation spots rounded, localized mainly in open areas of the body (face, shoulders, arms, back, chest). First rash of freckles usually appear in 5-6 years of age, reaching a peak during puberty, the cause of their occurrence is a hereditary factor. The number of sunspots increases many times in the spring and summer under the influence of sunlight. In winter, their manifestations are less visible. Manifestation of freckles more pronounced in people with blond or red hair, with age, their number is reduced. A moderate amount of freckles face gives a certain charm and fascination.

  • The cause of freckles
  • Preventing the appearance of freckles
  • Folk remedies for removing freckles
  • Removing freckles cosmetologist
  • Forecast remove freckles
  • Freckles - treatment
  • Freckles -
  • illustration.


    sunburns and malignant degeneration of skin cells.

    Besides heredity, the occurrence of freckles affect hormonal imbalance, stress, liver disease and gall bladder, hypovitaminosis, frequent peels. Therefore, in many cases, you should not talk about the treatment of freckles, as well on the prevention of their occurrence.

    peelings with acids complex, providing skin whitening. Removing freckles also possible by hardware peeling - Skin Resurfacing alexandrite and erbium laser. Exfoliating and depigmenting effect have special medicinal topical formulations ( "gadgets"). For example, a mixture of salicyl alcohol with white mercury ointment bodyaga and 20% phenol solution causing desquamation of the upper epidermal layer whitening pigment spots. Mercury-containing products are used not more than a week and are strictly on prescription, since they have a number of contraindications.

    On the method of diathermocoagulation can resort to remove senile freckles.

    In some cases, removal of freckles is performed by kvartsevaniya skin, causing it to peeling. Typically, only 10-minute sessions in a day. This method is good for people who have to spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun. Freckles are disappearing, and at the same time, decreases the skin's sensitivity to UV light. leather quartz irradiation is performed under the supervision of a specialist.

    Most whitening procedures and exfoliation freckles leads to early wrinkles, dryness and premature aging of the skin. Therefore, a good look at yourself in the mirror and think, can still worth taking yourself be what you had created nature: naughty, nice, with a pert were scattered freckles? If you do decide to fight with freckles, start with gentle natural remedies. And even better - do not wait for the sun "decorate" your freckles and take preventive measures in advance, while the sun's rays are not as active.

    Forecast remove freckles

    Only some people always "wears" on his freckles, for the majority of the same - this is a seasonal phenomenon, taking place in the cold season. The appearance of freckles is much easier to prevent than to cure. And it has not delivered despite the large variety of methods of struggle with freckles offered traditional and modern medicine, the point in addressing this problem. Only competent and qualified assistance of specialists will allow you to minimize the manifestation of freckles or even completely get rid of them.