Chronic hemorrhoids - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic hemorrhoids - Long-term expansion of the existing cavernous plexus, located in the submucosal layer of the lower part of the rectum and into the subcutaneous tissue of the exit area of ​​the anal canal. Manifested bleeding, itching, burning sensation in the anus, and increasing loss of hemorrhoids. There may be pain in the anus area. Chronic hemorrhoids diagnosed based on history, clinical symptoms, examination data, digital rectal examination, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and other studies. Treatment - drug therapy, ligation, cryotherapy, photocoagulation, hemorrhoidopexy, hemorrhoidectomy.

  • Causes of chronic hemorrhoids
  • Classification of chronic hemorrhoids
  • Symptoms of chronic hemorrhoids
  • Diagnosis of chronic hemorrhoids
  • Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids
  • Chronic hemorrhoids - treatment

  • Chronic hemorrhoids

    hemorrhoids - chronic pathological increase in cavernous arteriovenous plexus in the anus, accompanied by bleeding, prolapse, thrombosis hemorrhoids and infringement. It is the most common disease of proctology. pathology frequency data are ambiguous. According to statistics, in Russia suffers chronic hemorrhoids 13-145% of the adult population. Foreign scholars point numbers from 4.4 to 36%. Researchers believe that the reason for the inconsistent statistical information is the frequent asymptomatic chronic hemorrhoids. According to the American proctology, 80% of patients with hemorrhoids, identified during routine medical examination, do not seek help because of a lack of complaints. Treatment carried out by experts in the field of proctology.

    constipation and heavy exercise. Some researchers suggest that chronic hemorrhoids often diagnosed in people with multiple moment defecation (option physiological norm, in which the stool stand out not once, but in stages separated by small intervals of time) if they have a habit of accelerating defecation by excessive straining. In women, chronic hemorrhoids often develops during pregnancy, due to increased pressure in the abdomen. There is a genetic predisposition.

    Prolapse of hemorrhoidal nodes offline. There have been increased vascular pattern of the mucosa and the initial degenerative changes in the musculo-ligamentous skeleton.
  • Stage 2 - In patients with chronic hemorrhoids revealed bleeding, anal itching, mucus and loss of nodes and their subsequent self-reduction. Dystrophic changes minor muscles and ligaments.
  • Stage 3 - Clinical symptoms similar to the second stage of chronic hemorrhoids. Separate reduction of hemorrhoids is not, after the act of defecation is necessary to reduce a patient nodes hands. Dystrophy musculo-ligamentous skeleton progresses, the muscles lose elasticity.
  • Stage 4 - To the listed clinical manifestations of chronic hemorrhoids added intense pain and fecal incontinence. Units often fall out of the anus, their manual reduction difficult. A marked degeneration of the muscles and ligaments, accompanied by failure musculo-ligamentous skeleton.

  • iron deficiency anemia.

    For external hemorrhoids patient can independently detect hemorrhoids, which are small flexible sack-rounded education. When an internal hemorrhoid nodes are located inside of the sphincter and are identified during rectal examination. In the absence of complications Diameter node is typically less than 2 cm., Palpation painless or accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Thrombosis or inflammation of the nodes increase in size, becoming sharply painful.

    Character chronic pain hemorrhoids varies depending on the stage of the disease, presence or absence of complications. Usually, the pain not intensive, there is prevalence of burning and bloating during the act of defecation. After completion of defecation discomfort usually disappears gradually, in some cases a burning sensation is maintained for several hours, which is delivered to patients with chronic hemorrhoids expressed inconvenience. When inflammation and thrombosis intensity of pain increases. Pains become arching or throbbing, worse when coughing or heavy lifting. In severe cases, disturbed sleep, the patient may not be in a sitting position.

    A typical symptom is chronic hemorrhoids perianal itching caused by mucus, a prolapsed hemorrhoid and form a maceration stations. Some patients with chronic hemorrhoids cause itching becomes dermatitis, which developed when using drugs of local action with an irritating effect. Perianal edema for chronic hemorrhoids uncharacteristic, the appearance of this symptom is usually associated with frequent loss of nodes. The most common complication of chronic hemorrhoids is thrombosis of hemorrhoids. Less common are the area of ​​the anal canal hematoma, heavy bleeding during the infringement and necrosis of internal nodes. In some cases, may be complicated knots infringement paraproctitis.

    anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Inspection of the anus in cases of suspected chronic hemorrhoids is carried out in the knee-elbow position or on the gynecological chair. During examination proctologist draws attention to the state of the sphincter, the increased presence of external hemorrhoids, areas of maceration, traces of blood, stool and mucus. When rectal examination and anoscopy determine the location and size of internal hemorrhoids, for a more accurate assessment of the patient with chronic hemorrhoids nodes asking natuzhitsya.

    If you suspect damage colon overlying departments appoint a colonoscopy and barium enema. These studies make it possible to rule out or confirm the presence of other lesions of the digestive tract, accompanied by rectal bleeding. All patients with chronic hemorrhoids sent for consultation to the therapist. In the process of differential diagnosis exclude other diseases of the rectum and anal canal, in the first place - malignant tumors.

    Ligation of hemorrhoids using latex ligatures and other minimally invasive procedures. In the later stages of exercise hemorrhoidopexy or hemorrhoidectomy.