Cervical myositis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cervical myositis - Inflammation of the muscles in the neck and shoulder girdle. The process may be involved as one or several muscles. The reason usually becomes localized hypothermia, unaccustomed physical exertion, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, and infectious diseases. The main symptom is pain, which usually covers only one side of the neck, can be given to the head, shoulder, back and arm. Movement is limited and sometimes detected a slight edema and local hyperthermia. In young children, the temperature rise is possible. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of clinical symptoms. Treatment is conservative.

  • Causes of cervical myositis
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of cervical myositis
  • Treatment of cervical myositis
  • Cervical myositis - treatment

  • Cervical myositis

    myositis. It can affect people of any sex and age, including children. Usually triggered by a draft, unusual load, overexertion or stress. Over the life of almost everyone at least once suffers acute myositis caused by one of the following reasons. Much more rarely detected cervical myositis that developed as a result of autoimmune and parasitic diseases. Unlike other forms of myositis, a muscle inflammation is prolonged, has a more pronounced tendency to chronic and difficult to treat.

    SARS, influenza, sore throat).

    The risk group includes people who in the performance of professional duties is necessary for a long time to be in the same position: violinists, drivers, typists, pianists, office workers, etc. Students and pupils myositis caused as a result of fatigue or awkward situation It can be developed in preparation for the exams. As an additional risk factor, many experts consider the stress at which the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are in a constant state of stress.

    A rare form of cervical myositis are myositis in systemic connective tissue disorders (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) and myositis in parasitic diseases. In the first case, the cause of the disease becomes a production of immune cells that attack the body's own muscle tissue, in the second - toxic and allergic reactions. And in fact, in both cases the inflammation usually affects not only the muscles of the neck, but also other muscle groups. Another kind of rarely occurring cervical myositis - purulent myositis. The disease develops when the spread of infection from the open sores or ulcers in the neck.

    rheumatologist and infectious diseases, the identification of the parasite, the determination of rheumatoid factor, and so on. d. Patients with suspected purulent myositis sent for consultation to the surgeon.

    traumatology and orthopedics. Patients are advised to limit physical activity, rub the affected area warming and anti-inflammatory ointments, apply dry heat, with strong pains - taking analgesics. Write out the direction of the UHF. Typically, the symptoms disappear within a few days, a maximum of - 2.1 weeks. When treatment failure trauma holds procaine blockade with the addition of small amounts of corticosteroids. In the absence of contraindications may use manual therapy (post-isometric relaxation).

    Patients with other forms of cervical myositis directed to specialists. Treatment of myositis caused by rheumatic disease carries a rheumatologist, infectious myositis therapy - infectious diseases, the treatment of parasitic myositis - parasitology. Patients with rheumatic process prescribed corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents, patients with infectious myositis conducted antibacterial therapy. When parasitic myositis discharged anthelmintics.

    When purulent myositis used antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline and other drugs), pain relievers, and UHF. The appearance of the site softening is an indication for opening an abscess. The cavity is washed and drained gauze. Carry out ligation. After cleansing the wound bandage with ointment Vishnevsky and other drugs that contribute to the acceleration of regeneration. Wound healing by secondary intention.