Feminism Harmful

Since Mary Wollstonecraft wrote her essay "Protecting the rights of women" in 1792 its active followers and followers fought for sexual equality, believing that it is there is hidden the key to the ideal society. Now, however, scientists have concluded that gender equality can adversely affect human health.

According to Swedish researchers, the equality of men and women has a negative effect on health and one and secondly.

The researchers of the Institute of Social Science and Medicine compared the data on all 290 employees of the Swedish municipalities 9 indicators of private and public life.

The results showed a stable relationship between gender equality and soreness. Thus, for example, equal to income and opportunity to occupy the same positions, led to a reduced life expectancy.

According to scientists, the correlation results can be explained by the fact that the representatives of the strong half of humanity suffer psychological trauma from the loss of traditional male privileges, women also suffer from stress and long working hours.